
2015.3.27 第15回外国語教育セミナー Würffel教授講演会


 神戸大学国際コミュニケーションセンター コンテンツ研究部門では,第14回外国語教育セミナー(2014年12月実施)に引き続き,下記の催しを企画・実施することとなりました。

 Nicola Würffel教授は,協調学習,ストラテジー研究,メディア援用教育などの分野で多くの業績を上げておられ(参考),興味深いお話が伺えるものと存じます(講演は英語)。ドイツ語教育・英語教育はもちろん,広く言語教育に関心のある皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。


ハイデルベルグ教育大学 Nicola Würffel教授講演会・ワークショップ

日時 2015年3月27日(金)13時20分~14時50分
会場 神戸大学鶴甲第1キャンパスD棟D615
演題:Get in Touch. Reasons for the Integration of Blended Learning into the Training of Language Teachers.


Kobe-Universität (Kobe), 27.03.2015
Get in touch: Reasons for an Integration of Blended Learning into the Training of Language Teachers
Nicola Würffel, Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
Blended learning is a teaching method which combines advantages from classroom teaching and online learning (c.f. Staker & Horn 2013; Würffel 2011a). Especially for the training of language teachers the integration of blended learning can offer interesting and effective learning experiences (c.f. Würffel & Padrós 2011b, Lord & Lomicka 2008).
In the first part of the presentation, blended learning will be described in a more general way. A definition will be presented and advantages, the differnent phases of blended learning (online and face-to-face) and the possible integration of cooperative learning in blended learning scenarios will be discussed.
The second part of the presentation will give insights into two scenarios of blended learning teacher trainings and will discuss how the different elements of the trainings were brought together. The first scenario is a binational seminar in which students from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and students from the Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg worked together using material from “Schule im Wandel” (a COMENIUS project for the development, testing and implementation of a blended learning training course for teachers of German as a foreign language at secondary schools).
The seminar has been subject to a study focusing on the learning experience of the students. Results from this study underline the positive effects of blended learning on student learning, student collaboration and student motivation.
The second scenario is a blended learning teacher training organized by the Office Franco Allemande de la Jeunesse. It prepares school teachers to conduct a Tele-Tandem®-Projekt. A Tele-Tandem®-Projekt is an exchange between a German and a French school which strictly follows a project based approach. It combines a first, preparing online phases, a face-to-face meeting and a second online phases for the evaluation of the conducted project (i.e. a a Tele-Tandem®-Projekt is organized in a blended learning format).
By learning in a binational blended learning format the teachers can test different learning tools (in moodle) and have themselves the chance to experience similar intercultural and technical challenges as their students.
Lord, G. & Lomicka, L. (2008). Blended Learning in Teacher Education: An Investigation Across Media. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(2), 158-174. AACE.
Staker, H. & Horn, M. B. (2013). Classifying K-12 Blended Learning. Innosight Institute. Online: http://www.christenseninstitute.org/publications /classifying-k-12-blended-learning-2/
Würffel, N. (2011). Über die Mühen der Theoriebildung in Bezug aufs Blended Learning – sechs mal sechs und immer noch nicht genug (ge)Blend(et)? In: Barbara Schmenk & Nicola Würffel (Hgs.). Drei Schritte vor und manchmal auch sechs zurück. Internationale Perspektiven auf Entwicklungslinien im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Festschrift für Dietmar Rösler zum 60. Geburtstag. Tübingen:
Narr, 325- 340.
Würffel, Nicola & Padrós, Alicia (Hgs.) (2011). Fremdsprachenlehrende aus- und fortbilden im Blended-Learning-Modus. Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus dem Comenius-Projekt „Schule im Wandel“. Tübingen: Narr.

